

本文共计7235个文字,预计阅读时间需要23分58秒,由作者编辑整理创作于2023年08月29 15:35:54日 15点35分54秒。








去美国要办签证 请问签证官实用英语问问题么?都问些什么呢?

1.       What’s your name and how old are you?
2.       Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?
3.       How long have you prepared for your visa interview?
4.       Is this your application’s form? Do you understand it and did you sign it?
5.       Is your transcript original/ a copy one?
1.    What is your purpose for the visa?
2.    What will you do in the USA?
3.    Are you going to study in the USA?
1.  Where are you from? Where is your hometown?
2.What’s your hobby? /What do you (like to) do in your spare time?

3 .Do you have any relatives in America? / Who do you know there?
4 .Have you ever been abroad? /Have you ever applied for a visa to go to any other country?
Is this your first time applying for a visa?/ Have you ever been to the nations aside of China?
1. What is your academic background/ study background?
What was your previous study?
What/ Where are you studying now?
2.    Are you a top student/ a priority student?
3. What was/is your ranking in your class?
4.       What is your best/ favourite subject in secondary school/ senior high school?
What is the difficult class do you have?
6.       Have you taken part in the college entrance examination?
7.       Why don’t you continue with your study in China?
8. Why do you want to go to the United States for further study?
(一)   关于大学:
1.       What university are you going to study in the US?
→ Which university do you choose? What’s the name of the university you choose?
→ What institution did you attend?
2.       How do you know this university? / What do you know about this university?
3.       Why do you choose this university?
4.      How do you know this information?
5. What is the date of the school opening day?
9. What is your study plan?
(二)   关于专业:
1.       What will be your major?
What will you study in the United States?
What do you want to study in the USA?
2.  Why do you choose/ like this major?
3.  Give a brief introduction about your major?/What does your major mean?
What do you know about your major?
 What will you study in this major? What courses?
What do you think will be the most difficult class?
6.   In what aspect of your major will you study?/Can you tell me your special field of study?
(三) 关于学位:
1. What degree will you get/ study?
→ What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?
→ What degree will you plan to pursue in the US?
→ What is your ultimate academic goal?
2. Why do you want to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the US?
→Many universities in China offer first-rate undergraduate programs in (business administration), then why do you want to go to the USA for undergraduate study?
3. What do you do with your work for a Bachelor’s Degree?
→ What will you do to get/obtain your Bachelor’s Degree?
4. Will you pursue a master degree in the US?
5How can your Bechelor’s Degree benefit you in the future?
1. Have you any scholarship?
Does the university offer you scholarship?
Do you receive any financial aid/ support from the university?
Do you plan to seek financial support in the US?
Does XX University grant you scholarship?
2. How much will you approximately spend for your study?
What will be the amount you need for your study?
3. Who will offer you the money?
Who will be your sponsor? (How much is his annual salary and) what will be the amount you will receive annually?
Who’ going to provide you with funding to study in the US?
Who will provide for your finances?
4. What do your parents do/ What are your parents doing? and how much are their annual salary/ income?
5. How can they be able to support you?
6. How can you make sure that you will graduate from the university?
7. Do you have a bank deposit certification? / Have you any bank deposit?
8. How do you (intend to) support yourself during your studies in the United States? / How will you fund your study? Will you plan to work while you study in the US?
1. What will you do after graduation? Would you come back?
What is your plan? /What will you do after your graduation? /What kind of job can you find in the future? And why?
2. What’s your dream? 
3. Tell me your future career plan after your returning to China.
Can you give a future career plan?/What is your future plan?
5. Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed/ finished your studies?
6. What if there’s a job offer after your graduation in America?
If there’s a company offering a job, will you stay in the US?/ Will you accept it?
If a company/ firm wants to hire/ employ you after graduation, would you come?
7In the US, you will earn/ make much more money than in China, then why do you say you will come back to China?
Why will you still come back after your graduation?
You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?
8. Will you want to immigrate/ settle in the US?
9. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China after your graduation.Tell me, is there anything that will make you come back to China?
10. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn’t come back?
Can you tell me why most Chinese students never come back when they finish their study in the USA?
1. Did you have a TOEFL or IELTS score?
2. Did you apply the universities all by yourself?
3. Have you ever been refused for your visa?
4. How long will you stay in the US?
5. Where will you live in America?
6. Do you have any problems?/ Do you have anything else to say?
7. When are you going to enter the USA?


澳洲留学 签证官如何核实申请人的资料

 对于申请澳大利亚留学签证的学生的申请材料,澳大利亚驻华大使馆通常会对一些申请人的签证材料进行电话调查,通常调查的对象是那些签证官认为不够确实的申请材料,调查的目的就是要核实申请人提供的材料是否真实,下面,为您介绍一下澳大利亚大使馆核实申请人资料过程中的一些注意事项,仅供参考:   一、学历、工作背景,一般情况下,签证官会对申请人的学历进行核查,需要申请人全家都清楚申请人的情况。   常见问题有:   1、申请人现在哪所学校读的书?毕业时间?就读专业?具体学习了哪些课程?高中在哪个学校就读?如毕业后时间较长,建议在递交学历证明材料前自己留一套复印件,经常翻看,以加深印象。   2、申请人打算到澳大利亚的哪所学校就读?读什么专业?为什么选择该校及该专业?  回答应与入学通知书和个人留学计划(目的)中所说的情况一致起来。   二、资金担保人的工作、收入状况核查   在签证官核查资金担保人的工作、收入状况时,签证官会根据申请签证时提供的在职收入证明上的电话号码进行核查,但有时也会打电话到当地的114询问担保人所在公司的电话号码进行核查。   常见问题有:   3、找XXX?  如该担保人本人接到电话最好,如担保人不在,会问:   4、XXX去哪里了?我何时可以找到他?   尽量不要回答担保人出差了或请假,此类回答很容易让签证官认为该担保人工作单位为挂靠而会被认为是假材料而拒签。如担保人确实不在,请按照实际情况说明,并尽量告诉担保人回单位的时间和目前的联系电话。在有可能电话调查的时间段(每周一至周五8:00—17:00),有正常工作单位的经济担保人不要在家里接电话,特别是来电显示为010区号的电话。   遇到这种情况,签证官还会查问接电话人:   5、申请人认识担保人有多久了?申请人知道担保人什么时候开始在该单位工作?担任什么职务?申请人们单位该级别的收入大概是多少?   遇到该问题时接电话人不要表现得太过热情,如果自己不清楚的话,千万不要随便回答,可以向签证官提供本单位负责人或人事部的电话号码,请签证官与相应人员联系。同时,请一定注意在回答收入问题时不要把提交给领事馆的收入合计数一分不漏的说出来,因为如果回答的太详细同样也会令签证官怀疑是否假材料。   6、直接向担保人询问  询问申请人单位的业务情况,与单位其他工作人员的回答是否一致,目的是证实材料的真实性,尤其是职务较高的担保人和单位里从事销售管理工作的担保人。  另外,请父母和学生一定要清楚家庭成员的工作单位、年限、职务以及收入水平,签证官同样也会通过询问家庭其他成员来核查申请人所提交材料的真实性。   如担保人为企业承包人或私营业主,签证官还会问及:   7、企业承包时间、企业营业执照领取时间,公司经营范围、目前企业规模以及公司的年利润状况。   三、存款状况核查   澳大利亚政府对留学生的经济担保有着严格的要求,所有存款必须在银行存满三个月。经济担保方面常见的核查问题有,如提供的担保中有大额的存款时,签证官会问:   8、申请人能解释该笔存款的来源吗?   回答范例:由于我们的存款基本来源于夫妻两人的工资、奖金收入,原来的存款比较分散,为了准备孩子出国留学,我们将到期的存款集中成一笔,存在一家银行。   该笔存款系从股市取出,我们已经提供了股票历史交割记录清单。如有必要,我们可以根据要求提供股市证明材料。如果申请签证时提供利息清单,签证官会问及:   9、为什么会有利息清单?   回答范例:由于家庭存款到期后我们将利息取出后续存,因此我们的申请材料中提供了利息清单,以此来证明该笔存款的历史记录。但是由于历年来澳大利亚签证处发现有不少申请人提供了假的利息清单,签证官对此极其敏感,因此回答该问题一定要慎重。   四、担保人对申请人经济支持情况的核查   签证官还会核查担保人对申请人留学的经济支持情况。签证官会问经济担保人:   10、申请人原先在什么学校学习?学的什么专业?为什么要让孩子到澳大利亚留学?到澳大利亚哪所学校就读?学的什么专业?   签证官可以通过这些问题了解担保人对申请人的留学申请是否支持、了解。在电话调查之后签证官可能会要求申请人传真一些材料给他,即便这些材料申请人已经在提交材料的时候已经提交过也不要拒绝,一定要按照签证官的要求再传一遍。请注意签证官要求的时间限制,如果当时感觉来不及,请给出合理的理由,请签证官给申请人足够的时间传真。请注意申请人无法将电话打进签证官给申请人的传真号码,这个号码只能发传真。并且也不要向签证官索要电话号码。   总之,签证官只有在对申请人的递交材料有疑问时才会打电话进行核查,正确的回答可以消除签证官的疑虑,使他相信递交材料的真实性、相信担保人确实有足够的经济能力来承担申请人在国外留学所需要的所有学习、生活费用。如果签证官对电话核查的回答不满意,很容易造成拒签。因此,在接到电话核查时,一定要注意,不要慌,稳定一下情绪,再逐一回答签证官的每一个问题。


@艾达出生在美国 为你解诚实签需要具备的条件:

















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